things happened , i met the schontal ! and now in lisbon ! sounds serieal but its true !!!
i met the ...THE SCHONTAL !!!
************************ (zensiert)
anyway .. i will meet the frenshi tonight in cascad or something like that .. spend the night there and come back to lisbon tomorow for my first Couchserfing in Portugal .. already exited about it :)
made some nice photos :) and slept in great places ...
will post the photos as soon as i get my hands on a pc with a card reader :9
all the best
addition :
some new info has bin unzensored :
it was like this : i was walking with the frenshi .. our bags were too heavy .. so we asked the lady selling silver to keep an eye on the bags .. now lets not forget the context here .. this is Sinatra .. were all is mistical .. and the most charming city in portugal .. romantic roades, gardens .. anyhow we leave the bags go walking .. the frenshi decides to do a long walk .. i go to a art doco exibition ( was intresting) .. when i come back to the bags and the lady seling we talk a little and she tells me her name !
Schontal !!!
do you understand !! her REAL name is schontal !!! i have bin writing about the rules of the schontal in the blog .. pople sayed maybe she dosnt exist !! but she does .. flesh and blood !! selling silver in Sinatra !! living in portugal !! the schontal is alive !!
anyway we went to the most amazing beach , saw a nice sunset .. ***************************************************** ( zenzored)
the next morning i helped her prepare for a market ( she sells also clothes for hippies) i built the tent with her , sat a little .. it was really nice .. met many of her freands .. then went for a long walk in the city of Lisbon !!! spent the day there .. then went to see the frenshi in Cascas ...
of course what intrests you is if there are new Schontal rules to release : and there is
the sexth Schontal rule is : *************************************** ( zensored)
the seventh Schontal rule is : live cos you will die !
peace and keep living
1 Kommentar:
Here are some sugestions for the sixth and seventh rule:
Six: Live for the moment, the now, for yersterday is a memory and the tomorrow a vision. Now is what good living is all about.
Seven: Have safe sex at all times. Protect yourself and the others by respecting nature.
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